Oracle’s products are at the core of the IT landscape for many enterprises and represent a significant investment in licenses and maintenance. Managing those assets in order to maximise the value of the investment and minimise associated risk comes with a number of challenges and Oracle customers often need outside help to do this. KPMG has deep expertise in this area, so whatever your Oracle licensing challenge is we can cut through the complexity.

Concerned about potential non compliance

Oracle’s right to verify compliance is set out in the Oracle Master Agreement and / or other contracts and it is one of the most active auditors in the software industry. Failing to comply strictly with the terms of Oracle software license agreements can lead to an audit crystallising significant financial exposures, commonly running to millions or tens of millions of pounds. Many Oracle customers find themselves inadvertently in a non-compliant position due to not fully understanding the terms and conditions of use or not having sufficiently robust processes to prevent non-compliance from arising. Proactively checking whether you are compliant and if not, correcting things before they are exposed by an audit can save a lot of expense and distraction down the road. KPMG can efficiently discover and analyse your Oracle database landscape and surface compliance risks so that these can be dealt with in an appropriate and cost effective way.

Entering, renewing or exiting an Oracle Unlimited License Agreement

Oracle Unlimited License Agreement (“ULA”) contracts provide the ability to deploy unlimited quantities from a defined catalogue of Oracle products over a defined term in return for a fixed contract price. This provides flexibility and certainty and can be a powerful tool where future demand is uncertain. However, having a ULA does not mean there is no need to track or manage deployment of licenses. At the end of the contract term there is a requirement to certify the licenses in use in order to crystallise a perpetual license grant and quantify future maintenance requirements. Whether you are entering, renewing or exiting a ULA, capturing an accurate baseline of the installed Oracle software is critically important to ensure you maximise the value of the ULA and do not take on unwanted future costs. KPMG can support you in all phases of the ULA lifecycle.

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